Vintage Shops ,Thrifting and Strange Cafes
>> Thursday, May 13, 2010
So my friend Joanna and I were finally able to get together to celebrate her birthday. We had big plans of hitting up all the great stores of downtown Phoenix.
Picture of Joanna used without permission haha...
This morning I reached for my cream, to find that it was sour...ew. Oh no what shall I do? Looks like Joanna and I will have to grab a cup of coffee out. Where shall we go? Hmmm.. we'll be near Lux, I guess we could go there!

After leaving Lux we saw an antique store and decided to stop by. It felt a little twilight zone, really. We had to ring a doorbell to get in and there were heavy duty locks on the door. As we waited, I pictured Lurch coming to the door to let us in and maybe never out. The man came to the door and fussed with the lock as we giggled awkwardly/nervously. He let us in and said excuse the mess. The place was like a maze and Joanna had one word, "Overwhelmed" There were no prices on anything and we felt too undereducated on antiques to make an offer, so we left and headed to some of the places we've had good luck before and a few new places that turned out to be gems.
Salvation Army, Retro Ranch, Hospice Of The Valley and Butter Toast.
I will show you some of the sweet finds tomorrow.
We tried a new place for lunch called Paisley Violin. That was another offbeat place. When we rolled up the place looked super cool. As we walked in we spotted a few potential turn offs maybe even deal breakers. 1. Dirty Fish Tank 2. Dirty sticky menus 3. Empty. 4 Creepy horse in the corner sitting on a chair that looks convincingly real,yet dead.
So I told Joanna, I kinda feel like we are going to get food poisoning what did we do? We ate there! Guess what?
To be continued.........
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