The Party!!!
>> Monday, May 10, 2010
Planing ,shopping, baking and much work goes into a party then poof, it comes and it goes. We have been talking about Cadence's Sweet 16 for months. Yesterday was the big day and it was a blast! It was a great turn out and the weather cooperated for the most part. The first couple hours were a little warm and the flies were a little intense, but when the sun started to set it was just beautiful.
These are the invitations Cadence designed for her party. She took the picture of her best model ( her sister Emma) and her friend Rudy. They dressed up in their 1950's best and sipped soda while Cadence snapped photo's. Everyone asked why Cadence's photo wasn't on the invite. She replied " I'm the one behind the camera not in front". Never the less they turned out darling don't you agree?
As her guests walked through the picked fence they were greeted by Cadence in her vintage 1950's dress with petticoat, and a bright and cheery birthday banner hand made by yours truly along with some help from the girls. I've seen a lot of these banners in boutiques and in etsy shops and I just knew I could do my I did. I made one for Emma's birthday back in December but it wasn't as detailed.This was my first time experimenting with making a crepe paper ruffle.
Cadence with a few of her guests! Don't they look great?
We found Cadence's dress at a great vintage clothing store in Phoenix. I think it was called Hollywood Regency.

This is pretty funny, Jake and his friend had this idea for a photo. It looks pretty realistic. The funny think is, just last summer these boys were going at it for real. They were not each others favorite people. After a little sit down chat, they are great friends. Life is funny that way isn't it? Sometimes the people you think you like the least become some of your greatest friends.
Here is Emma putting up the soda shop sign that Cadence and I made. I will post some better pictures of her once I get them from my Mom. I was too busy to be snapping pictures. Running around like a crazy lady as usual!
... To be continued... Good night world!

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