Free Stuff? Yes please!
>> Thursday, September 16, 2010
Who doesn't love getting something for free?
As promised, I wanted to fill you in on a few great birthday freebies! There are definitely more than three offers out there but I decided I would share my top 3 with you. All three of these offers are painless AKA you don't have to sign up for anything. So easy, it almost feels like stealing. 100% legal though I promise. :)
1. Mojo Frozen Yogurt!
Deal: Bring in your ID on your birthday and receive a free yogurt. Simple as that. I don't know if there are any limitations, but they seem super laid back. I got a full cup that was almost $8 worth of yogurt (didn't eat it alone, stop judging me) for free! This is one of my favorite spots to hang out in general. I have spent many summer nights, okay winter too, hanging at Mojo with my family and friends. I love that their yogurt tastes so real, unlike many artificial tasting yogurts out there. Although, I have to say, lately I have not been enjoying the Tempe Market place location. It just tastes funky and kinda fake. However the one on Mill does not disappoint.
This picture makes me happy. This is one of my new favorite flavors. Skinny Blueberry! Its actually made with agave nectar instead of sugar or artificial sweetener! Yum, so refreshing!
2. Joe's Farm Grill
Deal: Bring in your ID on your birthday for a free meal up to $10. If your meal is over $10 they will take $10 off whatever you order. Nice!!
If you haven't been here...GO!!! It is really tasty. Everything is made from scratch and a lot of the produce is even grown on the premises! Just look at this food. Are you drooling yet?
A few of my favorite things to order here are the fried zucchini, farm burger, garlic fries and the buffalo chicken sandwich.Even there sweet pickles are homemade! Really everything is awesome. I love to dip the zucchini in their homemade blue cheese dressing. It comes with marinara, but I always swap it out for the blue cheese dressing.
Also they have a free burger day once per year when they give out free burgers all day long. Google it for the date, I'm not sure when it is. Last year it was in November.
3. Krispy Kreme
Deal: Bring in your ID on your birthday for 1 dozen free donuts!

This is not part of any deal, but I couldn't resist ending on this note. I have never seen anything like this! Can you imagine the calorie content? As disgusting as it may be, I kinda think it would be good.
Stop drooling...goodnight!
omgosh! My birthday was in Aug! Why didn't i know about this then!
Have to wait a whole nother year:(
Bummer! Cash in for your hubby's b-day! Thats what Im going to do on October 10th for Kens! Haha!
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