Free Stuff? Yes please!

>> Thursday, September 16, 2010

Who doesn't love getting something for free?

As promised, I wanted to fill you in on a few great birthday freebies! There are definitely more than three offers out there but I decided I would share my top 3 with you. All three of these offers are painless AKA you don't have to sign up for anything. So easy, it almost feels like stealing. 100% legal though I promise. :)

1. Mojo Frozen Yogurt!
Deal: Bring in your ID on your birthday and receive a free yogurt. Simple as that. I don't know if there are any limitations, but they seem super laid back. I got a full cup that was almost $8 worth of yogurt (didn't eat it alone, stop judging me) for free!

This is one of my favorite spots to hang out in general. I have spent many summer nights, okay winter too, hanging at Mojo with my family and friends. I love that their yogurt tastes so real, unlike many artificial tasting yogurts out there. Although, I have to say, lately I have not been enjoying the Tempe Market place location. It just tastes funky and kinda fake. However the one on Mill does not disappoint. This picture makes me happy. This is one of my new favorite flavors. Skinny Blueberry! Its actually made with agave nectar instead of sugar or artificial sweetener! Yum, so refreshing!
2. Joe's Farm Grill
Deal: Bring in your ID on your birthday for a free meal up to $10. If your meal is over $10 they will take $10 off whatever you order. Nice!!

If you haven't been here...GO!!! It is really tasty. Everything is made from scratch and a lot of the produce is even grown on the premises! Just look at this food. Are you drooling yet?

A few of my favorite things to order here are the fried zucchini, farm burger, garlic fries and the buffalo chicken sandwich.Even there sweet pickles are homemade! Really everything is awesome. I love to dip the zucchini in their homemade blue cheese dressing. It comes with marinara, but I always swap it out for the blue cheese dressing.

Also they have a free burger day once per year when they give out free burgers all day long. Google it for the date, I'm not sure when it is. Last year it was in November.

3. Krispy Kreme

Deal: Bring in your ID on your birthday for 1 dozen free donuts!

Who doesn't love a donut that adds 5lbs to your waistline by merely glancing in its general direction as it floats down the river of oil and then bathes itself in a sugary waterfall? I think that once a year on your birthday you can justify diving into a box of these warm, melt in your mouth donuts. Why not? They are on the house! Oh and if the donuts alone aren't indulgent enough, you can always make yourself a Krispy Kreme burger!

This is not part of any deal, but I couldn't resist ending on this note. I have never seen anything like this! Can you imagine the calorie content? As disgusting as it may be, I kinda think it would be good.

Stop drooling...goodnight!


So you say its your birthday?

>> Monday, September 13, 2010

So you say its your birthday? Well happy birthday to you!" Who sings that anyway??

Today was my sweet little, yet not so little, boys birthday. He turned 11 today! I can hardly believe it Look at that face!
I love his little mole to the right of his nose, the way his eyes light up when he smiles, the loud belly laugh that you can hear from across the house when he's highly amused. I love the way he is tender, yet rough and tumble. I love that he has a sweet spirit that cares deeply for people and loves much.This kid has a sense of humor that will make ya snort. His impeccable sense of style comes naturally and is not to impress, yet it always does.

Happy Birthday Buddy, you Were the best birthday present ever!

Jake was born the day before my birthday, which guessed it! Mine is tomorrow. Or today depending where you live! I love having our birthdays a day apart. We usually end up kind of celebrating together. Its fun!

Today for Jakes birthday,I woke him up singing Happy Birthday with a maple long john and a cup of coffee in hand. That's right this kid loves coffee! I wouldn't usually wake him up with sugar and a cup of jo, but today was special. I on the other hand can not live with out that morning cup of dark steamy aromatic goodness! Must have coffee, trust me it ain't pretty when I go without. Love that feeling of stumbling across the floor half asleep and pushing the button on my Keurig, and 30 seconds later gripping my warm cup of heaven...Oh wait this was about Birthday stuff. I got a little distracted by coffee talk!

So after school we went on a mission to cash in on some birthday freebies around town. It was fun, I haven't really done that before. Sure I've had the average free dessert with an embarrassing song sung buy non enthusiastic waiters. But today!!! I actually did a little research! We were able to score about $40 or more in free goodies!

Hate to leave you in suspense but my pillow is calling, and I cant have bags under my eyes tomorrow for my birthday, right? So I will post again tomorrow and fill you in on our birthday finds so you too can cash in on all the freebies around town for your birthday!

Adios for now....


Ode to the Bundt!

>> Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wow! Can't believe its been so long since I blogged last, didn't mean for that to happen! After my friend Peggy asked me today when I was going to get back to blogging I felt like my excuses for not blogging were lame and I needed to just make time to do it. Not like its a pain, I love to blog, its just making the time.

So life has taken a big turn and new things are on the horizon. I have gone from homeschooling my three kiddos and working miscellaneous jobs as a make-up artist to having three kids in school and working regularly! Big changes, but they are good!

More on all that jazz later. I wanted to make this short and snappy tonight because no longer can I wake at 8:30am or 9:00 and lounge in my PJ's, coffee in hand, taking my sweet time. Nope! This girl is up and at um every morning at 6:30am. So this once night owl is learning to re-set her inner clock!

Okay so.... I am working at Nothing Bunt Cakes! Clever play on words indicating that we sell nothing but bunt cakes. :) Let me just say this was the biggest God send/blessing ever. It is so my cup of tea and the store is cute as a button. Not to mention that the hours are perfect. Closed on Sundays and I work the hours my kids are at school. Praise the Lord!

This store has the cutest logo and some seriously tasty cake. You can tell Nothing Bunt Cakes is the product of two very clever and creative women's dreams come to life! OK I think I am gushing a bit. But seriously, I really do admire the amount of thought, detail, and creativity that has gone into this franchise. OK enough, short and sweet right? That's what I said. You can read more if you would like at

I stumbled across some celebrities that think these cakes are pretty sweet too...

Adam Lampert

Alice Cooper

Team Jacob ( Don't even know this kids real name, sorry)

Are you craving a Chocolate Chocolate Chip bundt cake yet drizzled with butter cream cheese frosting?? Or maybe a White Chocolate Raspberry??? Yum!
If you know me, you know I am OB-SESSED with cupcakes! So these little cuties,Buntinis, are Nothing Bundt Cakes version of the beloved cupcake. They come in a box of 1 dozen and the are assorted with the top four flavors. You can also call ahead to make your own assortment. Apparently during a TV interview the news anchor slipped and said, " So they are bundt holes?" Oh my, not good. I guess he covered his slip up well by comparing to donut holes or something. Haha, I find that quite amusing.

Okay, well there you have it, more than you ever wanted to know about my new job most likely. As you can tell I am quite smitten with it and its nice to like going to work each day!

Hope you have nothing bundt sweet dreams. DORKY, I KNOW!

Good Night...I will be back soon I promise.